When it comes to things we use regularly, it is all too easy to take them for granted, only paying attention when problems arise. When it comes to docks, we tie our boats up to them, we walk over them, we spend countless hours relaxing on them, but we tend to forget about their upkeep until things go wrong. Unfortunately, by that point, it will be either extremely costly to fix issues or too late altogether.

By paying attention to small problems, you can prevent larger ones from cropping up. Nipping such issues in the bud saves you time and money in the long run. Because of this, remaining vigilant and performing regular maintenance on your dock is crucial for extending the lifetime of that structure. Below, we will discuss our top 10 dock maintenance tips.

Safety Matters

It is all too easy to fall out of routines, especially ones that aren’t all that exciting. Keep in mind that when you regularly perform maintenance scans on your dock, you protect yourself and those you love. By focusing on the health and safety of your friends and family, it will be easier to motivate yourself to keep up on your dock maintenance.

Make a Calendar  

Human memory is a fleeting thing. It is all too easy to forget important events, dates, and moments, let alone smaller or less memorable times. Calendars and journals function as memory loggers and joggers. Buy a wall calendar for the express purpose of recording house and dock maintenance so you can easily scan what has been done and what could use some work. Write down maintenance dates or routine checkups, so that time doesn’t get away from you and your dock doesn’t fall into disrepair.

Take Pictures Regularly

By photographing your dock, you can keep an account of wear or subtle changes that take place over time. Post these photos on your calendar so you can have visual evidence of the dock’s decline. Comparing and contrasting these photos will allow you to see if wear to your dock is occurring at a faster than expected rate.

Be Meticulous

As mentioned, regular visual maintenance checkups are essential for keeping your dock functioning optimally. Bring a notebook with you and check everything including fasteners, bolts, ladders, stairs, hardware, and the surface of the dock itself. Take note of even little things. Transfer those details to your calendar. Make a note of something you possibly want to re-check in a week or so to see if the deterioration of some issue is as bad as you may have feared.

Small issues turn into big ones  

If you notice a small problem, handle it right away before it can turn into something worse. While a single missing bolt or fastener might not seem like a significant issue, each missing part causes the remaining pieces to work harder, creating a strain that will naturally build. Over time, what could have been a relatively minor and cheap fix can turn into something exorbitantly costly due to accrued damage.

Keep an eye on wear points

Due to constant motion caused from boat wakes and high winds there are several areas that take a beating and often time become failing points.  Get in the habit of inspecting the following items every time you are on the dock: gangplank and sway bar connections, decking screws and bolts, boat lines, bow sling, and dock bumper. Look for any missing fasteners, signs of excessive wear, chafing, or other signs of damage.  Have these items repaired or remedied as soon as signs develop.

Clean the surface

While this is more for aesthetics, regularly cleaning the deck and dock guard keep the overall appearance nice and tidy. A power washer or a manual cleaning can do wonders for the overall look and feel of your dock. If you have a wooden deck, this gives you another solid opportunity to look for splintered wood or loose screws.

Keep Metals Rust Free

Not only is rust an eye sore its a sign of corrosion.  The best way to prevent corrosion is to have a proper coating of paint on these surfaces and keep it maintained. If signs of rust start showing up in places quickly address them by sanding the area down until the surface rust is gone, clean the metal with a mineral spirit, prime w/ a rust inhibiting primer, then paint with exterior metal paint to match. We suggest you hire dock maintenance experts to help you with this.

Keep a sealant on the natural wood

Preserving the look and lifetime of a wooden dock is reliant on covering it with sealant on a regular basis. Choosing the right sealant is essential, so talk with a pro about the optimal product for your specific situation.

Buy it For Life

“Buy it for life” is a phrase which posits that it is cheaper and wiser, in the long run, to pay more upfront for a high-quality item than the cost of regularly replacing a cheaper item over time. The same should be considered when buying a new dock or having it repaired.  Using cheap material, especially those not rated for the harsh Lake Arrowhead conditions, will not only force you to replace things more often, but could result in much more significant issues.

If you want your dock to last for a long time, regular maintenance is crucial. Keep these tips in mind and perform them regularly. Over time, this process will evolve from a chore and into a healthy habit or routine. Doing so will save you time, money, and prevent unnecessary injuries to yourself or those you care for.

If you have any questions feel free to call and speak to a  Lake Arrowhead dock maintenance experts.