With the long, hazy summer days drawing an end, life on the lake is starting to look a little quieter. As the vacationers pack up their bags and head back to the city, you’ll likely be putting the boats back into storage until spring rolls around. For boat owners, the end of summer welcomes a new chapter as you begin to prepare your boat for the harsh winter months. 

In which case, consider the following needs as you begin to winterize your boat this year.

Weather Expectations

As any resident will tell you, Lake Arrowhead truly is the best of both worlds. Summer here is quintessentially Californian and the snowy winters resemble a Hallmark holiday movie. If you are an out-out-town visitor who only experiences the peaks of each season, you might not be aware of the precautionary steps that are necessary to anticipate the harshness of winter.

Lake Arrowhead receives an anticipated 47 inches of snowfall annually. Think about the potential damage that this much water residue could do to a boat that isn’t stored properly and left docile for months on end.

Prepare for Storage

The ALA encourages all boats to come off their dock and into storage through winter. Whether this means taking your boat to a storage facility, or simply using a hydro-hoist lift to keep your boat above the water and away from the elements, there are several measures that any boat owner should take in order to prepare for many months of dormancy. 

  • Change the engine oil – Old oil can reduce engine performance and shorten the life expectancy of your engine. 
  • Flush engine block with antifreeze – this will prevent water from freezing and cracking the engine block. 
  • Top off the fuel tank and add a stabilizer – topping off the tank eliminates condensation build up inside the tank. The fuel stabilizer will prevent the fuel from breaking down and prevent it from gumming up or varnishing. 
  • Prepare to dehumidify – Humidity can be a significant problem for boats left unattended. Install a dehumidifier or invest in absorbent crystals that can target humidity and vapor buildup when your boat is left unattended. 

For those living out of town, a crucial part of winterizing your boat will be hiring someone who can carry out these checks on your behalf, as we do with Kiwi Docks’ Dock Watch Program. Leaving a boat unattended throughout the winter months is bound to leave you with some nasty shocks come spring—let alone quite a few repair bills. 

Looking to store your boat this winter? Kiwi Docks is proud to announce that we now offer boat storage as well as winterization services to ensure your boat stays in tip-top shape throughout the winter! That way, you won’t face any problems come summer!

Solar LED Lighting Systems

No one likes saying goodbye to the long summer evenings. There is nothing like catching the last rays while the water echoes the Californian sunset. But since the nights are creeping in fast, it is important to ensure your boat is prepared with enough light sources to get you home safe. The following additions to your boat and dock not only ease visibility but also increase safety for your entire crew and family. 

  • Flashlights – You can never have enough flashlights, back up flashlights and emergency flashlights. Ensure that they are tested and functional before each trip out onto the lake.
  • Solar Panel Dock Boxes Make the most of the sunlight and transfer the power into reliable and safe solar power on your dock. Great for charging or even powering your lighting devices.
  • Solar Panel LED Lighting – Consider LED lighting capsules for your dock to create a safe walkway home. Optimize the varying colors as a means of identifying your dock. 

Last but not Least: Admin

Given the number of maintenance logistics you’ll be undertaking, it can be easy to overlook the necessary administration. Schedule to renew both your ALA (Arrowhead Lake Association) and CA State boating license. The fine for boating without your licensing card can be as high as $2500. Avoid this fiasco by considering your license renewal one of the many tasks you undergo as part of your winterization. It will save you a lot of hassle and financial agony in the long-run. 

With all these measures in check, you’ll cruise smoothly to spring and be back on the lake in no time at all (with a perfectly functional boat!)



Western Climate Center, Period Of Monthly Climate Summary, https://wrcc.dri.edu/cgi-bin/cliMAIN.pl?ca4671 

Arrowhead Lake Association,  Boating and Swimming Rules, http://www.ala-ca.org/docs/Boating__Swimming_Rules__Map.pdf