Tucked in the San Bernardino National Forest, shielded on all sides by skyward-aiming pines, is the crystal blue gem: Lake Arrowhead. This treasure is only a day trip away for local Southern Californians, who can drive up and enjoy some hiking along the trails, explore the Lake Arrowhead Village, and of course, have fun in the thoroughly kempt Lake Arrowhead.

Managing and maintaining this luxurious lake is the Arrowhead Lake Association, also known as the ALA. They also service the Arrowhead Woods, manage beach clubs, parks, an island, miles of trails, and docks for any members’ boats.

If you’d like to enjoy your trip even more to Lake Arrowhead, consider becoming a member of the Arrowhead community by joining the ALA. If you do, just be sure to follow these general guidelines and rules.

First Up, Annual Fees

You probably knew this was coming. With any membership worth having come the fees. Although it’s important to note, there are different tiers of membership, depending on what you want to do in Lake Arrowhead.

Types of Memberships

There are three types of memberships you can enjoy to match your Lake Arrowhead lifestyle. Those include:

  • General Membership – $70 per year – The general membership is the lowest tier that allows you to experience all that Arrowhead has to offer. You can fish for bass and trout. You can register your boat and head out on the lake for cruising, tubing, or wakeboarding. Feel free to bring the extended family and friends down lakeside at Peninsula Park or Grass Valley Lake where you can enjoy the park’s barbecues courtesy of your general membership.
  • Beach Club Membership – $240 per year – A bit pricier, the Lake Arrowhead Beach Club Membership allows you the best experience when it comes to the two beach clubs at Lake Arrowhead. The Tavern Bay Beach Club and Burnt Mill Beach Club provide complimentary chaise lounge chairs and free swimming toys for the kids. There are healthy snacks at the snack bars and plenty of areas to unwind and relax.
  • Dock/Slip Right Membership – $600 per year – The costliest of the bunch, the Dock/Slip Right Membership is an annual membership for dock owners. Owning a dock feels like having your own private getaway at the beautiful Lake Arrowhead. Lounge in the sun, have a sunset dinner party on your private dock, and come and go on your boat as you please. You also can enjoy the freedom of having a place for all your dock accessories with this membership.

Regardless of which membership you own, you must abide by the same rules.

Member Voting

Each ‘General Membership’ Member may cast one vote on all general membership matters. You also qualify for a vote if you are property owners in Arrowhead Woods. If this membership is due to a joint membership, the group or entity is only able to cast one vote, and the vote must be cast in the interest of the majority of owners.

Privileges and Rights of Members

General Membership allows members and their guests, families, and friends, to participate in ALA activities and use ALA facilities. However, the guests must be with the designated member or have their names filed under the account. The member will then be held responsible for all actions of guests on ALA property.

In the case where a member dies, fails to pay dues, or sells the property they owned in Arrowhead Woods granting them membership, it is not transferred. Instead, the membership is terminated.

Each member will be issued two membership cards. These can be used around Lake Arrowhead, specifically in ALA facilities.


General members agree to indemnify ALA against any damages or harm suffered by ALA. This could include:

  • Property damage
  • Injury
  • Demands
  • Claims
  • Attorney costs
  • Liens

These apply to known and unknown actions when using ALA facilities.

Dogs at Lake Arrowhead

While bringing the whole family (including our furry brethren) is encouraged, there are strict rules and guidelines determining how dogs must be controlled on ALA private lake property.

  • Leash Length – Dogs must be on a leash that is six feet or less at all times. Unleashed dogs can accrue a fine of up to $1,000 per incident. This includes unattended dogs, out of control dogs, and general unleashed dogs. The only exception is in no leash zones.
  • No Leash Zones – Dogs don’t need to be on a leash when swimming in the lake (note that dogs are not allowed on the beach sand, swimming areas, or playground areas). Also, when a dog is on a member’s boat or dock area, they do not need to be on a leash.
  • Dog Waste – Being a respectable ALA member means picking up after your dog and disposing of it in the proper place.

If any rules are violated, authorities will issue a verbal warning, followed by a written citation and fine. The dog and member and subsequent group will also be asked to leave.

Enjoying Lake Arrowhead

If you want to enjoy this lake treasure to the max, you should join the Arrowhead Lake Association by becoming a member. With a membership, you’ll gain access to all ALA facilities and member events. Just remember that if you do, you will be subject to all ALA guidelines and rules.



Arrowhead Lake Association. Homepage. https://www.ala-ca.org/

Culture Trip. 7 Awesome Activities to do in Lake Arrowhead. https://theculturetrip.com/north-america/usa/california/articles/7-awesome-activities-to-do-in-lake-arrowhead/